I have to admit this dish is simple enough to make. I have been kind of craving shitike mushrooms for a while. The last ones I bought went bad in the fridge before I did anything with them. So, when I remembered these (that were still fresh:) I realized it was time to do something with them. And so, this is what I did.... (Made 1 bowl of yumminess.)
- 1-2 cups of chopped shitike mushrooms
- 1 sweet yellow onion
- white Jasmine rice, prepared to package instructions
- salt to taste
- I sauteed the onion and mushrooms in olive oil for about 30 minutes on low heat on the stovetop. (I added a bit of salt as well while cooking.)
- I prepared the Jasmine rice, and put the mushrooms and onions on it.
- I ate it. :)
Until next time.... God bless!