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Chinese dumplings filled with veggies

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I was looking for an alternative to the basic egg roll recipe, so I decided it would be a good idea to put egg roll filling in dumplings. I searched online and found a very nice vegan Chinese dumpling recipe on chinesefood.about.com. I filled these dumplings with egg roll filling. Skip on over to the egg roll  page to learn how to prepare the filling. I'll wait....

Now that you're back, let's talk dumplings. These were easy to make, and so fun to do. Sure, they took a little time, but it was a rewarding venture.  The dough recipe is simple. You will need:

  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • up to 1 1/4 cups cold water
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  1. Mix the following together and put a little olive oil on the dough ball so it will be easier to work with. Separate your dough into about ten pieces.
  2. Then, one at a time flatten out your dough pieces and put a teaspoon or two of filling in the middle. 
  3. Next, fold dough over and press edges together.
  4. Then take a fork and make pretty designs along the outer perimeter that you joined, making the union stronger.  
  5. Here is what mine looked like during the process. Not a great pic, but you can get the idea. Notice how the dumplings are in different stages of preparation:
6. Once you have your dumplings ready, put them into a pot of boiling water. I put some ginger, sesame oil, and soy sauce into the water to flavor it.
7. Stir dumplings immediately to separate them, then let them cook for about 30 minutes.
8. To add more flavor to your dumplings, stir fry them in a little sesame oil until slightly crisp on both sides.
9. Add soy sauce and serve.
10. Enjoy! :o)
God bless!

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