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                                    Who I am

I am a Christian living in N.C. with  my husband and my daughter. I am a homeschool mom. I am also a  freelance writer. I operate this blog, Yummy Vegetarian Delights.  My personal blog is WalkinWorship. My author website is http://www.angelchavis.com. I can be found most days tweeting on Twitter. I write for several websites, including Suite101.  I am also the Raleigh N.C. Vegetarian Food Examiner, Raleigh Christmas Examiner, and the National Christian Ministry Examiner. I enjoy spending time with my family and our pets. I also love to spend time in the beauty of nature.

Why Veg?
I am a vegetarian because it is natural for me to be one. I have never liked to cook meat and I have seldom eaten meat without thinking of what it actually was.

Also, I have PCOS. To counteract this I realized that I must change my eating. I have started eating a mostly plant based diet with very little sugar. I have also started exercising much more. The results have been very favorable, and I give all of the glory to God! You see, He created and gave us this wonderful food that nourishes our bodies. Beyond that, He is able to move supernaturally in every situation.

And... while I do not wish to be a stumbling block for anyone, I have to also say that I am a vegetarian because I am looking toward Heaven.

This earth is under a curse, a curse which is caused by our sin. When man fell, the earth did too. Now the earth groans and waits for the return of our Lord and Savior.When God first created man, he gave him and the animals plants to eat. Only after the fall did meat consumption begin. Here is a great article from Answers in Genesis that explains it in detail.

What do I mean by stumbling block?
Well, I don't want anyone to misunderstand me and think that I mean to say you must be a vegetarian to love God or be a Christian. I don't believe that at all. I do believe meat eating is permitted, and in some poorer parts of the country I realize they have no choice. Christians are indeed covered in Grace now. The Ultimate Sacrifice has been paid. I feel that being a vegetarian is an acceptable thing. After all, I look forward to the curse being lifted.

If you are not a Christian and don't know the awesome love that God has for you, click here to read one of my favorite Chick Tracts. Remember, God really does love you and He desires to walk with you all of the days of your life on earth and for eternity! If you have any questions or would like to talk, feel free to send me an email at angel@yummyvegetariandelights.com .

God bless!

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