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Try It Tuesday: Ayala's Herbal Water Review

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Ayala's Herbal Water is a very unique product. It has absolutely no sugar, calories, or anything artificial. What it does have is a very pleasant taste.

The best way to describe the flavor of these herbal waters is to imagine that you are walking through a beautiful fragrant herb garden... and then imagine literally drinking those amazing fragrances in. That is what these herbal water flavors do.

Ayala's Herbal Waters come in the following unique, refreshing flavors:
  • Lemongrass Mint Vanilla
  • Lavender Mint
  • Lemon Verbena Geranium
  • Cloves Cardamom Cinnamon
  • Cinnamon Orange Peel
  • Ginger Lemon Peel
Learn more about Ayala's Herbal Water by visiting their website, following them on Twitter, and liking them on Facebook.You can also follow the creator of Hebal Water, Dr. Ayala, on Twitter and read her blog.

Also, you can get a coupon for signing up for their newsletter and following them on Facebook. For information on where to buy near you, use their zipcode locator.

Until next time.... God bless!

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