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Yummy Vegan Cracker Recipe AKA The Accidental Cracker

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Well guys and gals, I made crackers today. I've made them before, without a whole lot of success. But, today I made them on accident, and what do you know? They're actually good. :) It's better to learn to make crackers accidentally than not at all though, I guess. lol

It happened like this... I was heating up some tortillas and thought I had cut the oven off, but oops I didn't. :) Here's how to do it on purpose:

  1. To make these crackers, simply make smaller versions of the tortilla
  2. Then, pop them in the oven at 350 for about 20 minutes. (Be sure not to burn them.)
  3. I suggest adding onion powder, garlic powder, nutritional yeast, and your favorite spice to the dough. Maybe even a little stevia if you want a hint of sweetness.
These would go good with any soup or chili, or as a snack by themselves.

Until next time.... God bless!


Vegan Epicurean said...

Happy accidents sometimes make the best recipes. ;-)


Medifast Coupons said...

Great idea, wish I had of thought of it. Why can't we use the same recipe for making crackers, great!