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10 Yummy Recipes in the Spotlight

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I'll be away from the computer most of this week. So, I have decided to highlight 10 extremely yummy recipes. These are some gems that you will really want to try. When you do, leave a comment and let me know what you think! :)

I will be back online on Friday to announce the Giveaway winners on Twitter. If you haven't entered yet, click on the images to the right to do so.

Without further ado, here are the yummy 10 of the week (in no particular order).....

1. Avocado Chocolate Pudding

2. Cashew Creme/ Vegan Cheesecake

3. Vegetable Pot Pie

4. Snaps and Fennel

5. Fruit Smoothie

6. Baked Bean 'Burgers'

7. Yummy Tofu Taco

8. Sliceable Vegan 'Cheese'

9. Vegan Iced Mocha

10. Anniversary Pancakes

Until next time.... God bless!

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